Eik LES 17-DEC-2024 09:25:03 525968
From the Danish ISPS Coordination Authority.
Subject: Continuation of MARSEC levels in the Southern Red Sea, the Strait of Bab el-
Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden.
Due to the current security situation related to the Houthi movement in Yemen, Danish ISPS
Coordination Authority reaffirm MARSEC 2 and MARSEC 3 areas already in force in the
Southern Red Sea, Bab el-Mandeb and the Western Gulf of Aden. MARSEC 2 and 3 areas
defined as following:
MARSEC 2: Area south of 19 N parallel in the Red Sea.
MARSEC 3: Area South of the 17 N parallel in the Red Sea through the Strait of Bab el-
Mandeb to the 47 E meridian in the Gulf of Aden.
MARSEC 3: inside Yemen territorial waters.
MARSEC 2: Area West of the 51 E meridian in the Gulf of Aden.
Ports in the MARSEC areas mentioned above located outside of Yemen territory are not
included in the MARSEC security levels. For local security levels in each individual port,
please apply to local as well as international authorities and agencies.
All ships are to consider their Best Management Practice in the area, and transit as far away
from the coast of Yemen as possible.
Point of contact: Danish Maritime Assistance Service (MAS) [email protected], +45 72 85 03 71.
MAS will forward any questions to the Danish ISPS Coordinating Authority.
The Danish National ISPS authority will continuously monitor the security situation in the
area and update this security message pending the development of the situation and no
later no later than 30 June 2025.