Eik LES 17-DEC-2024 09:23:22 931274
From the National ISPS Coordination Authority
Subject: Continuation of MARSEC 2 for the Gulf of Guinea.
Information from the Danish National ISPS Coordination Authority.
Subject: Update on the ISPS security level for Gulf of Guinea.
On 18 June 2024, the National ISPS Coordination Authority issued an OXXO continuation
message on the implementation of ISPS MARSEC 2 issued on 16 December 2021.
Based on available information and the threat from piracy off shore, Danish authorities
reaffirm MARSEC 2 for Gulf of Guinea.
The ISPS MARSEC 2 Risk Area Gulf of Guinea (harbours excluded) defined by the following
1. 06B007b 200b N – 001B013b 200b E (LomC), Togo) to
2. 02B047b 200b N – 001B013b 200b E to
3. 01B001b 200b N – 005B000b 200b E to
4. 01B001b 200b N – 009B032b 200b E (Equatorial Guinea)
The National ISPS Coordination Authority will reassess the situation no later than 30. June