Eik LES 17-DEC-2024 09:16:53 036576
From the National ISPS Coordination Authority
Subject: Continuation of ISPS level 3 (MARSEC 3) for the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.
The National ISPS Coordination Authority is continually monitoring the maritime security
situation in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.
On 18 December 2023 the National ISPS Coordination Authority issued an OXXO
continuation message of the implementation ISPS MARSEC 3 issued on the 9 March 2022 for
the North-Western Black Sea, Crimea and the Sea of Azov north of line: 45B008N-29B048E –
44B000N-34B000E – 44B043N-37B027E. The security risk for civilian shipping in these areas
remain. The National ISPS Coordination Authority therefore maintains the MARSEC 3 for
these areas.
MARSEC 3 (Ukrainian ports) from 28 February 2022 remains in force.
The wider Black Sea remains at MARSEC 1 until further notice.
Be aware of possible GPS jamming, AIS spoofing, communication jamming and cyberattacks
in the area. Harassment and diversion of shipping in the area cannot be excluded.
Furthermore, Turkish and Romanian authorities have reported incidents of drifting mines in
the southwest Black Sea. Civilian shipping in south and southwest Black Sea is encouraged
to maintain effective lookouts and avoid floating objects.
Be advised to monitor all Ukrainian authorities issued navigational warnings on
www.navtext.net and from NATO Shipping Centre, https://shipping.nato.int/nsc, including
warnings from Spanish Navy NAVAREA.
It is recommended to turn your AIS on at all times, and clearly state your intentions on VHF.
It is recommended to adhere to any instructions given from military forces if challenged.
If Danish ships are in imminent danger, activate the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS),
send a distress message via the Digital Selective Calling system (DSC), and make a
B4MaydayB4 call on VHF CH. 16.
Point of contact: Danish Maritime Assistance Service, [email protected], +45 72 85 03 71. Danish
Maritime Assistance Service will forward any questions to the proper Danish authority.
The National ISPS Coordination Authority will monitor the situation closely and adjust the
security level in accordance with this. The National ISPS Coordination Authority will reassess
the situation no later than 30. June 2025.