LES21 Marlink 6-AUG-2024 22:11:14 543664SECURITE
Weather bulletin on METAREA 2,
METEO-FRANCE Toulouse, Tuesday 6 August 2024 at 2215 UTC.
Wind speed in BEAUFORT SCALE.
Sea state in DOUGLAS SCALE.
Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than
the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the
significant height.
Part 1 : NO WARNING.
Part 2 : General synopsis, Tuesday 6 at 12 UTC
Low 987 59N17W, moving northeast and expected 988 61N04W at end.
Associated weak trough over Bay of Biscay, evacuating soon.
Low 1000 55N49W, slow-moving northeast, deepening 985 57N41W by
Asscociated Atlantic trough crossing FARADAY from west, then reaching
ROMEO later.
Heat low 1004 over west Sahara, with little change.
Thermal low 1011-1012 over Spain, with little change.
A new eastern Atlantic Ocean tropical wave is along 21W from 17N
to 06N, moving westward at 10 knots.
The monsoon trough enters the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of
Senegal near 15N17W and continues west-southwestward to near
Part 3 : Area forecasts to Thursday 8 at 00 UTC
Southwest 5 or 6, locally 7 in far north, decreasing West 4 or 5 from
west later at times 6. Gusts.
Moderate or rough.
Moderate visibility in rain or showers.
West 3 to 5, increasing Southwest 5 or 6 from west soon, at times 7
in far north.
Moderate or rough.
Moderate visibility in scattered showers in north soon.
West or Southwest 4 or 5, but Variable Clockwise 2 to 4 in south.
Moderate locally rough in far northwest at end.
Variable 2 to 4, locally North 5 in far southeast, and locally West 5
in far north later.
Variable 2 to 4, mainly Northeasterly, at times 5.
Moderate visibility in scattered showers, mainly in southeast.
Variable 2 to 4 in west, and North or Northeast 4 or 5 in east.
Moderate visibility in scattered showers in far west.
Variable 2 to 4, locally Northeast in southeast, then in far
northwest later.
Poor visibilit