LES21 Marlink 20-JUN-2024 22:11:15 202434SECURITE
Weather bulletin on METAREA 2,
METEO-FRANCE Toulouse, Thursday 20 June 2024 at 2215 UTC.
Wind speed in BEAUFORT SCALE.
Sea state in DOUGLAS SCALE.
Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than
the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the
significant height.
Part 1 : WARNING NR 282.
Part 2 : General synopsis, Thursday 20 at 12 UTC
Low 993 58N29W, moving northeast, expected 990 just south Iceland by
21/12UTC, then merging with next low. Associated trough over FARADAY,
crossing ROMEO soon, then Bay of Biscay at end.
New low expected 985 57N38W by 21/00 UTC, then 986 59N25W by 22/00
Complex low area over France and Bay of Biscay, with deepening low
expected 1014 over northeast France by 21/00UTC, moving northeast,
expected 1005 over south Denmark by 22/00 UTC.
Secondary low 1016 over south bay of Biscay, moving southeast and
Low 1005 over south Algeria, with little change.
High 1029 38N26W, slow-moving